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Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Entrepreneurs


In this post: 5 Manageable Tips to create a Healthy Lifestyle for Entrepreneurs. I’ll keep them short and sweet because I know you have work to do 😉

It can be super challenging to manage your own health while trying to give everything you have to your business. Your passion will drive you to get out of bed each day and work long hours to make your dreams come true, but you don’t have to sacrifice your health for these dreams.

Manage stress levels:

We just came out with the biggest one first! Let’s not try to side step it, stress can break you. Managing your personal stress levels will make everything better in the end. A few ways to do this:

  • Try out some daily self care to keep yourself feeling great and keep your stress levels low
  • Keep a stress journal so you can know your triggers AND also make sure your stress is valid
  • If you have a family sharing in this adventure with you, have monthly little meetings to make sure you are all on the same page AND let them know what you have coming up where you may need a bit more help
  • Last, get a massage….that always helps

Exercise/mindful movement:

Daily movement can actually help a lot with the above mentioned managing of stress AND falls under self care as well. You don’t need to break out your exercise journal, you can just use these tips to sneak in a little extra movement:

  • Walk as much as you can. Park further away, take the stairs, walk after dinner, walk the dog, walk your kids, etc. Walking is super easy and you can literally do it anytime…you don’t even need a warm up.
  • Set a timer on your phone every hour to remind you to get up and stretch.
  • Try an online workout space. These are becoming more and more popular since they require very little equipment and you can choose how much time you can spend on workouts.
  • If you are REALLY struggling, hire a coach to help you lay out the perfect, personalized plan for you.

Quality sleep:

You need good quality sleep each night to regenerate and refocus the next day. I see a LOT of entrepreneurs throw this one out the window and take the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” approach. This will ultimately leave you feeling drained and being a drain on your business.

How can you get better sleep?

  • Set up a night time routine that works for you.
  • Sleep in a cold, dark room…..it’s not creepy if you do it, just sounds creepy when you say it.
  • Look into holistic supplements to help you get a better sleep. You can see what I recommend HERE.

Set office hours:

This is another point where we entrepreneurs shoot ourselves in the proverbial foot. We feel as though we MUST be available at all times or we will miss the big sale or the best client.

I promise that you will get everything you need within working office hours.

Even when I was a trainer at a large gym, I set office hours. My clients and colleagues knew I didn’t accept calls/texts/emails past a certain time OR on my days off. It was non-negotiable….and I was full. It’s not a sign of disrespect to have office hours. It is disrespectful to yourself to go without them.

If the thought of keeping office hours makes you queasy, consider some of the benefits:

  • More productivity during hours because you know you NEED to do that task rather than always pushing it until later.
  • You honestly do seem busier to prospective clients if you’re not waiting by your phone or email at all hours of the night.
  • This also falls under self care and helps with your outside-of-work relationships.

If you’re still skeptical, start by choosing ONE DAY per week that you completely check out of work: you don’t do it, you don’t talk about it, and you don’t worry about it. If you’re like me, it’s hard at first….but I promise it is worth it.

Make meetings and appointments active if you can.

Take that conference call on a walk or on your stationary bike. Instead of meeting for coffee, meet at a local park. If you have a team, find team building events that are active. Activity makes life more fun! It’s also more memorable. You don’t have to challenge a client to the fastest 10K. Just a gentle stroll in some fresh air or a friendly game of tennis will do the trick. We have all forgotten how it feels to be active and you will be memorable if you actively bring some play back into the lives of others.

These 5 tips will help you feel healthier and show up in your business your very best every day.

Interested in learning more about keeping your body and finances healthy? We have coaching programs developed just for that. Contact us today to set up a discover call to find out more.

The post Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Entrepreneurs appeared first on Michelle C Fitness.

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