In today’s day and age, we want it ALL…and we want it now. These 3 simple steps will get you closer to a healthy body in no time.
While we are trying to run a household, trying to run a business, or trying to run the world, our health can take a backseat and we can become distracted, fatigued, irritable, and eventually altogether unproductive.
Never fear! Today I am sharing 3 easy tips you can use each and every day to get and stay super healthy…so you can continue to be Super Mom (or Super CEO, or Super Dad, or Super World Changer).
Healthy Body Tip #1 You Gotta Move It Move It.
Overall daily movement will add up to really BIG wins in your overall health. The secret to more movement: find something you enjoy doing.
I used to be a huge fan of KILLER workouts. I mean the kind that left you gasping for air and able to brag about a huge sweat stain you left on the floor of the gym. There once was also a time that those workouts seemed to work for me, but as time kept on going my body was less than compliant.
Now I focus on daily movement and taking movement breaks.
Most of us are BUSY, but not really moving. We are at our desks (hello, I’m a writer and content developer….my desk is my home), in our cars, playing with kids on the floor, at the table, folding laundry, etc. We are extremely busy, just not in the physical sense.
My favorite ways to get more movement in are daily yoga and walking. They’re both simple and portable, meaning I can do them from just about anywhere. I walk the pup first thing in the morning and then get on my mat after social media and before I start writing assignments and client meetings. Then, I’ll schedule a longer walk in the late afternoon when my to-do list boils down.
Feel like you don’t have the time to move?
That’s a common feeling, and I promise you we can find something that works for you.
To get started, choose from the following:
- Short stretch class
- Walk around the block or building (if you’re at work)
- Walk to the copier or to a coworker’s office as much as possible
- Set a timer once an hour as a reminder to do some simple stretch.
- Do a fun dance video
- Talk to your employer about offering on site classes
- Hit your on-site corporate gym (many employers offer them now)
- Take a brief walk after dinner
- Play WITH your kids at the park
- Walk while on a conference call, listening to a podcast, or on a webinar.
It’s easier than you think to get a little movement in if you think out of the box.
Healthy Body Tip #2: You are WHAT you eat, and HOW you eat it
More and more research is showing that our state of mind plays a large role in how well we digest and use our food. This means that if we eat in a constant state of stress and/or we are always distracted when we eat, then we actually don’t get the nutrients we need. Some scientists have even linked this to weight gain and obesity.
It can be hard to slow everything down in today’s busy praising culture, but there are a few tips you can take with you to make sure you get the most out of your meal times.
- Try NOT to work through lunch IF you can help it. Most employers do offer a lunch break and you should take it. Make it social or eat outside for bonus points.
- If you must work through lunch (hey, I do it sometimes too), make sure you are paying attention to your food. Notice the smell, texture, taste, etc. Take your time and create a space where you can calmly eat.
- If breakfast and lunch are both too hectic for you, make sure dinner is at a slower pace. Take a page out of the Slow Food Movement, or consider eating like you’re Mediterranean tonight. Wine included
- Practice deep breathing for a couple of minutes before you start eating. This helps to calm the central nervous system and get you ready to shift gears towards eating.
Take it slow to start and remember that any task you have will still be there after you have nourished yourself and returned with some renewed energy.
Healthy Body Tip #3: Get Some ZZZZZzzzzzzz’s
Sleep is a good indicator of health and a lack of sleep can throw you off balance faster than a toddler’s Lego on your floor at 2 in the morning. It can be just as painful too.
Sleep deprivation has become widespread and those prescribed or over the counter sleep pills you may be popping are NOT doing you any favors.
In order to really get the most out of your sleep, you want to make sure that it is restful, deep, and uninterrupted. In a perfect world, it would be……but we live in this world, so here are a few tips to get the most out of your nighttime routine.
- Shut down about 1-2 hours before you plan to shut your eyes. Turn off your phone, step away from the iPad and switch off the TV. Science shows that the light from these devices are the very thing that triggers sleeplessness. In order to get to sleep, you need to unplug. It will ALL be there tomorrow.
- Create a routine. Maybe you need a soothing bath and a glass of wine. Perhaps a really good book and a cup of tea are better for you. If you’re a Type A personality, try making a pen to paper list of all the wins you had today and what you hope to get accomplished tomorrow. A good nightly routine, similar to your parents tucking you in when you were little, sets you up for successful sleep.
- Supplement if necessary. I always suggest my clients try the above changes for a week before we start adding in supplements. Supplements are meant to supplement any holes in a healthy lifestyle. There are a few things I do suggest if you are really riding the struggle bus when it comes to sleep: Sleepy Time Tea can help with the routine AND it has chamomile to help wind down a restless mind. Melatonin (3mg) can help you get to sleep if your racing mind keeps you awake. Gaba powder (5mg) helps you get deeper and more restful sleep by helping you stay asleep. Finally, Magnesium deficiencies can be what is keeping you awake. Make sure you head into the doc for your annual physical to see what your body may not be absorbing properly.
These 3 tips will help you feel healthier within a month if you stick to them. If you feel overwhelmed just thinking about them, try implementing 1 per month and see how you feel. Taking good care of your physical body will yield a great return on investment as you feel better, your immune system is stronger, and your productivity goes through the roof.
As always, I am so glad you’re here! You serve a HUGE purpose in this world and it wouldn’t be the same without you
The post 3 Steps to an Incredible Healthy Body appeared first on Michelle C Fitness.